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How to Identify & Optimize for Low-hanging Keyword Using GSC

Optimizing Low-Hanging Keywords for SEO

Saket Mittal
Optimize for Low-hanging Keyword with GSC Hero Image

As a content marketer or SEO, you are always looking for keyword phrases to target & improve rankings. But did you know some of these gems may be right before you?

Enter low-hanging keywords - the often-overlooked phrases that are easy to rank for and can bring significant traffic to your website. In this blog, we'll explore how you can find these keywords in Google Search Console (GSC) and optimize your page for them to boost your search engine rankings. You can position your website in front of a highly targeted audience by targeting low-hanging keywords. It's like uncovering a treasure trove of untapped potential.

Following our step-by-step guide, you'll learn how to identify the low-hanging fruits in your niche and create content around them to boost your site's ranking. With our tips, you'll be able to attract more traffic to your website, increase your click-through rate, and, ultimately, drive more sales.

So, whether you're a beginner or an experienced website owner, follow our blog to learn how to identify low-hanging keywords, optimize your pages, and take your online presence to the next level. Let's dive in!

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What are Low-Hanging Keywords?

Low-hanging keywords are the keywords that are readily available and easy to rank for on SERPs. These search phrases have low competition but high potential for generating traffic to your website.

They are called low-hanging because, like a fruit on the lower branches of a tree, they are easier to reach and can be quickly optimized for better search engine ranking. Unlike high-competition keywords, low-hanging keywords often have less search volume but can still make a significant impact due to their lower competition levels.

Now, you might argue that low-hanging keywords mean long-tail keywords. But that's not true! While long-tail keywords usually have lower competition levels and higher relevancy, they can still have high competition if they are popular terms within your niche. It is important to understand that low-hanging keywords can also include shorter search terms.

The key is identifying keywords that balance relevance, search volume, and competition.

Low-hanging keywords can be characterized by lower keyword difficulty, moderate to high search volume, and high relevance to your target audience. Although these keywords may not have the highest search volume, they provide an excellent opportunity for businesses to rank higher and increase their organic traffic with relatively minimal effort.

Benefits of Targeting Low-hanging Keywords

1. Increased Visibility: Low-hanging keywords have a higher chance of ranking on the first page of search engine results. Your content will be visible to more potential readers, increasing their chances of clicking on your link.

2. Higher Traffic: With increased visibility comes higher traffic. As more people visit your site, you can collect data on their behavior, preferences, and interests. This data can be used to optimize your content and increase conversions.

3. Improved Engagement: By targeting low-hanging keywords, you can write more specific and targeted content that speaks directly to the needs of your audience. It can improve engagement by increasing the dwell time and encouraging them to share your content.

4. Better Conversion Rates: As you optimize your content for a more targeted audience, you will see an increase in conversion rates. It will encourage more people to take the desired action on your site, such as purchasing or submitting a form.

5. Enhanced Brand Awareness: Consistently creating quality content allows you to establish yourself as an authority in your industry. It can lead to increased visibility, higher traffic, improved engagement, and better conversion rates - all of which can enhance brand awareness.

Why Target Low-hanging Keywords for SEO?

Targeting low-hanging keywords for SEO can have a significant positive impact on a website's SERP performance. These keywords are typically less competitive and easier to rank for, which means they can yield quick wins in improved visibility and traffic. However, it's important to remember that simply targeting low-hanging keywords won't necessarily guarantee success. Ensuring that your website's content is semantically relevant and aligned with user search intent is essential to capitalize on these opportunities.

Semantically relevant content means that the content on your website is closely related to the low-hanging keywords you're targeting. This can be achieved by using keyword clusters and related topics throughout your content, creating internal links between relevant pages, and ensuring that your website's structure and navigation make it easy for users to find related content.

But perhaps the most important aspect of targeting low-hanging keywords is understanding and aligning with the user search intent. When someone types in a search query, they have a specific goal or intent. For example, someone searching for "best restaurants in NYC" is likely looking for recommendations on where to eat in New York City. To ensure that your content is relevant to this search intent, you'll need to provide detailed information about the best restaurants in NYC, including reviews, ratings, and location information.

Targeting low-hanging keywords can be a smart strategy for improving your website's SERP performance, especially if you're starting or trying to build your online presence. You can start seeing the long-term results, and building a positive and robust SEO strategy for your business.

How to Identify Low-hanging Keywords in GSC Performance Report?

The GSC Performance report can be a goldmine of data to identify low-hanging keywords with untapped potential and relatively less competition.

To access the GSC Performance report, you must have a verified Google Search Console account for your website. If you are not familiar with GSC, don't worry - you can learn more about GSC and how to access it in our guide.

Once you are in the GSC Performance report, there are several ways to identify low-hanging keywords:

Using the Search Query Filter

The Search Query filter allows you to focus specifically on the keywords that users have used to find your web page. This filter allows you to narrow down the data to specific keywords or phrases, making it easier to spot opportunities for optimization. To use the Search Query Filter, follow the steps:

1. Select the 'Queries' tab in the performance report

2. Click on the 'Filter' button and choose 'Query'

3. Type in the keyword or search query you want to analyze

4. Click on 'Apply' to view the performance data for the selected keyword

Analyzing GSC Performance Report Data

Once you have filtered the data according to your desired keywords, it's time to analyze the GSC Performance Report Data. There are several metrics that you should pay attention to when identifying low-hanging keyword opportunities, including:

1. Impressions: The number of times your website appears in search results for a specific keyword.

2. Click-through rate (CTR): The percentage of users who click on your website for a specific keyword.

3. Average position: The average position of your website in SERP.

Identifying Keyword Opportunities with Position Data

Another strategy to identify low-hanging keywords is by analyzing the position data in your GSC performance report. Look for keywords ranking on the second or third page of search results (positions 11-30) with relatively high search volume. These keywords often have great potential, as they are already ranking but have room for improvement. With targeted optimization, you can easily move these keywords up to the first page of search results and significantly increase organic traffic to your website.

Prioritizing Low-hanging Keywords in GSC

Once you have identified these keywords, the next step is to prioritize them based on their relevance, potential traffic, competition, and user intent. Prioritizing low-hanging keywords allows you to optimize the keywords that can yield the highest impact on your website's performance. Here are the ways to prioritize those keywords:

Accessing Keyword Intent and Relevance

Understanding the search intent behind keywords is crucial for prioritizing low-hanging keywords. Search intent refers to the reason behind a user's search query and what they hope to achieve with their search. Google prioritizes user intent and aims to deliver the most relevant content to match their search queries.

You can align your content by analyzing keyword intent with what users seek. Consider whether the keywords you have identified align with the content on your website and the solutions you offer. Prioritize keywords relevant to your website's niche and align with your target audience's needs.

Sorting by Potential Traffic and Competition

Start identifying keywords with high impressions but low click-through rates (CTR). Focus on keywords with a good balance of high search volume and relatively lower competition. These keywords can potentially drive more traffic if you can improve their click-through rates through optimization.

Do thorough research on your competitors and the keywords they are ranking for. Look for gaps in their content or areas where they may be lacking. Identifying these opportunities allows you to create targeted content that fills the gaps and stands out from the competition.

Considerations for Targeting Long-tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords often reflect users' more refined search queries and can significantly impact your bottom line. When prioritizing long-tail keywords, consider the relevancy of the keywords to your website's content, the search intent behind them, and the potential traffic they can generate.

Long-tail keywords can be particularly valuable for niche markets or businesses with specific offerings. Considering these factors allows you to target a more specific audience and increase your chances of ranking higher in search results for those specific queries.

How To Optimize For Low-hanging Keywords

Optimizing for low-hanging keywords can be a strategic approach to improve your website's visibility and attract targeted traffic. Here are the steps to optimize your content for these essential keywords and improve your overall SEO strategy.

1. Filter & Prioritize Low-hanging Keywords

Filtering and prioritizing low-hanging keywords is a crucial first step in your optimization journey. As mentioned earlier, you can identify and prioritize low-hanging keywords using GSC. Other tools like Google Keyword Planner, Quattr, SEMrush, or Ahrefs can help you. Look for keywords relevant to your niche and demonstrate low competition and potential impact. Prioritize keywords that align closely with your content and target audience, ensuring they offer valuable visibility and organic traffic opportunities.

2. Leveraging Long-Tail Keywords

Try incorporating long-tail keywords organically into your content, including titles, headings, and body text. Answer common questions related to these keywords to provide valuable information to your readers while optimizing your content for search engines. It will help you address your audience's specific needs and interests to attract highly engaged visitors to your website.

3. Improving On-Page SEO Elements

Pay close attention to on-page SEO elements as you optimize for low-hanging keywords. Optimize your metadata, including titles and meta descriptions, by incorporating your targeted keywords effectively.

Structure your content with well-defined headings that naturally incorporate these keywords while enhancing readability & maintain content quality. Focus on improving your content's overall structure and organization, making it easy for users and search engines to navigate. It will boost your website's visibility in search results and improve user experience, leading to better SEO performance.

4. Optimizing & Adding Low-Hanging Keywords Organically to Your Content

Avoid keyword stuffing and instead focus on creating high-quality, informative content that seamlessly incorporates these keywords. Let the keywords flow naturally within the context of your content, providing genuine value to your readers.

This approach enhances your SEO efforts and ensures a positive user experience. Organically adding low-hanging keywords to your content allows you to increase your website's relevance for search queries and attract qualified traffic.

5. Creating Quality Content for Your Target Keywords

Creating Quality Content is the last step to optimizing for low-hanging keywords effectively. Focus on creating content that aligns with your target keywords and addresses the interests and needs of your audience. Determine how often to add new topics to your website to maintain freshness and relevance.

Strike a balance between evergreen and trending topics, ensuring your content remains valuable over time. Continuously providing quality content establishes your website as an authoritative resource in your niche and strengthens your trustworthiness among people & search engines.

Optimizing Low-hanging Keywords for SEO - Advanced Techniques

Optimizing low-hanging keywords for SEO requires advanced techniques to maximize their impact. Here are some advanced strategies to help you optimize low-hanging keywords effectively:

Incorporating Semantic Keywords and Phrases

One advanced technique to optimize low-hanging keywords is incorporating semantic keywords and phrases into your content. Semantic keywords are related terms and phrases conceptually connected to your primary keyword. By including these semantic keywords, you provide search engines with a better understanding of the context and relevance of your content. Here are some best practices to effectively incorporate semantic keywords:

1. Conduct comprehensive keyword research to identify semantic keywords related to your primary keyword.

2. Organically integrate these semantic keywords into your content, ensuring they flow seamlessly within the context.

3. Use variations of your primary keyword and related terms to cover the topic comprehensively.

4. Leverage tools like Google's "Searches related to" and "People also ask" sections to discover additional semantic keywords and questions.

Utilizing Schema Markup for Search Engine Visibility

Schema markup is a structured data format that provides search engines with additional information about your content. Implementing schema markup allows you to enhance your search engine visibility and display additional information about your website in search results in the form of rich snippets. Here are some best practices to effectively utilize schema markup:

1. Identify the appropriate schema markup types that align with your content, such as articles, reviews, products, events, etc.

2. Implement schema markup using JSON-LD or microdata formats on relevant pages.

3. Include key details like ratings, reviews, dates, locations, and other relevant information specific to your content.

4. Test and validate your schema markup using Google's Structured Data Testing Tool.

This makes it easier for search engines to understand and display your content accurately. It can result in higher visibility, improved click-through rates, and enhanced SEO performance.

Building Backlinks & Utilizing Interlinking Anchored with Low-Hanging Keywords

Building backlinks and utilizing interlinking anchored with low-hanging keywords can amplify the SEO impact of your keywords. Backlinks are external links from other websites pointing to your content, whereas Interlinking refers to linking internally within your website. Here are some best practices to effectively build backlinks and utilize internal links:

1. Create high-quality content that naturally attracts backlinks from authoritative websites in your industry.

2. Contact relevant websites and influencers for potential collaboration or guest posting opportunities to secure backlinks.

3. Develop a strategic internal linking strategy that anchors low-hanging keywords within your content to relevant pages on your website.

4. Ensure that the anchor text and context surrounding the interlinks are natural and provide value to the reader.

Building backlinks and utilizing interlinking anchored with low-hanging keywords improves your website's authority and credibility in search engines' eyes, positively impacting your rankings. It enhances the user experience by guiding visitors to related and valuable content within your website.

Measuring the Impact of Low-Hanging Keywords Optimization

It is important to set clear goals and track progress to measure the impact of low-hanging keyword optimization. This can be done through website tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Quattr, etc. Determine the amount of traffic generated by the optimized low-hanging keywords, track the changes in your search engine rankings, monitor keyword positions, and observe positive shifts to determine if the website is ranking higher for targeted keywords and if there has been an increase in visibility on search engine results pages.

Regular monitoring allows you to identify trends, make informed decisions, and refine your optimization strategy. Establish a consistent schedule for reviewing performance metrics, whether monthly, quarterly, or customized, based on your specific needs and objectives.

Identify and Perform Keyword Optimization with Quattr

Optimizing low-hanging keywords can significantly improve your website's visibility in search results and drive more organic traffic. One effective tool to help you with keyword optimization, ensuring that your website stays ahead of the competition, is Quattr. It empowers businesses and marketers to identify and optimize keywords effectively. Let us see how easy it is to perform keyword optimization with Quattr:

1. Discover Valuable Insights: Utilize Quattr's advanced features to gain insights into search trends and user behavior. Monitor GSC performance metrics, such as keyword rankings, impressions, and click-through rates, along with GA metrics like conversions, visitors etc. to identify emerging trends and opportunities early on.

2. Leverage AI-Powered Tools: Quattr's AI technology enables you to create new content that targets emerging keywords. Utilize the platform to generate related keyword suggestions and expand your keyword footprint. Quickly optimize and create new pages that align with these trending keyword phrases.

3. Test and Refine: Stay ahead of the competition by testing your optimized pages using Quattr. Evaluate how your new content ranks for emerging keywords and gain insights into projected keyword relevance and content quality scores. Refine your content based on these findings to ensure maximum optimization.

By leveraging Quattr's robust analytics capabilities, businesses and marketers can proactively identify search trends, optimize their keyword strategies, and stay ahead in the competitive digital landscape. With Quattr, you can unlock valuable insights and drive targeted traffic to your website, ultimately reaching and engaging your desired audience more effectively.

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Low-hanging Keyword Optimization FAQs

How long does it take to see results from optimizing for low-hanging keywords?

The timeframe for seeing results from optimizing for low-hanging keywords depends on various factors such as search volume, competition, and the website's domain authority. Generally, results can start showing within a few weeks to a few months, but to see significant improvements, a long-term approach is needed. Consistent keyword research, optimization efforts, and quality content creation can result in long-lasting success.

Should you target multiple low-hanging keywords on a single page?

Targeting multiple low-hanging keywords on a single page can be beneficial if the keywords are closely related and have similar search intent. However, ensuring that the content remains focused, relevant, and provides a seamless user experience is important. Keyword optimization should be done naturally and organically to avoid keyword stuffing and maintain the page's overall quality.

Is it better to target low-hanging keywords with low search volume or go after highly competitive keywords with more search volume?

Targeting low-hanging keywords with low search volume can provide easy wins but may not drive significant traffic. On the other hand, going after highly competitive keywords with more search volume requires more effort and time but can lead to greater traffic and potential conversions. It ultimately depends on your business goals, resources, and target audience. A mix of both can be the most effective strategy.

About The Author

Saket Mittal

Saket Mittal is a Marketing Analyst at Quattr and helps drive traffic to the website by improving user experience. He is a an expert Quattr platform user and takes charge in improving product experience and conversions. Saket writes about content marketing, website optimization, and expert tips on how to use Google Search Console for content SEO.

About Quattr

Quattr is an innovative and fast-growing venture-backed company based in Palo Alto, California USA. We are a Delaware corporation that has raised over $7M in venture capital. Quattr's AI-first platform evaluates like search engines to find opportunities across content, experience, and discoverability. A team of growth concierge analyze your data and recommends the top improvements to make for faster organic traffic growth. Growth-driven brands trust Quattr and are seeing sustained traffic growth.

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