

AI SEO Suite

SEO Platform

The ultimate AI SEO Suite that does it all.

Quattr is the most effective and comprehensive SEO solution available. Our AI-powered features provide strategic and actionable recommendations based on your data and competitors' to help you reach marketing goals.

AI SEO Suite Features

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Explain Trends

Enterprise Rank Tracking

Are you wondering if your clicks and visitors are from gaining search market share from competitors, better CTR, more demand in Google's index, or ranking for more unique keywords? Quattr makes it effortless to know with a breakdown of clicks into changes in contributing metrics like organic market share, CTR, impressions, ranked keywords and unique pages indexed.

Ranking Factor-Based Prioritization

Ranking Factors

See how your web pages’ ranking factors—and those of your competitors—compare, so you can decide which factors to improve in order to generate the biggest traffic gains.

Side by Side Competitor Page Comparison

Content Marketing

Analyze how well your web page communicates the theme of its topic to search engines, and compare that to other pages ranking highest for the same keyword. You can see how your content looks as you edit and get immediate feedback on the impact of changes. You can also view side-by-side comparisons with competing pages to spot weaknesses in your approach and improve upon them.

Discover Topics

Content Marketing

Content is King. But it's only king if you know what topics to cover. Quattr can help you discover the topics proven to rank content on SERPs for all of a page's keywords. Maximize your content's SEO potential by addressing the gaps in its coverage of search-relevant topics.

Auto Writer

Content Marketing

Leverage the power of auto-write technology to generate hundreds or thousands of unique articles that live up to your brand's quality standards. Keep your content fresh and ensure your page stays relevant by automatically updating the content on a regular basis.

Smart Internal Linking

Internal Linking

Connect related content on your website using an internal linking API that uses business value-based algorithms and semantic analysis to crawl, analyze, and recommend the best target URLs for each source URL.

Performance Recommendations

Technical SEO

Maximize your site's performance by focusing on speeding up the loading time and improving overall quality through a prioritized list of audits that present you with the greatest opportunities to improve core web vital metrics.

SEO + SEM Synergy

SEO Reporting

Reviewing paid and organic traffic trends together can maximize the effectiveness of your spend, allowing you to understand whether there is any cannibalization—and if so, where. Organic and paid performance for a brand’s keywords is aggregated on a daily basis, allowing marketers to drill down by various dimensions.

Search Intent Classification

Keyword Research

Automatically classify all historical and new keywords into a finite set of manageable search intents, regardless of language or phrasing. Use advanced deep learning capabilities to build and evolve the search intents you need to capture market share.

Content Taxonomy Management

Manage URLs

Build a custom taxonomy to organize all your website's content into groups and subgroups, then analyze, diagnose, optimize and manage URLs at scale by working with these preconfigured content groupings rather than individual ones.

Warehouse all Google Search Console data


Quattr can fetch all your GSC data multiple times a day and warehouse it for longer than 16 months. Merge your GSC data with other sources, analyze it in a powerful analytics app, and put the results to use within Quattr's algorithmic recommendations.

Website Crawling

Technical SEO

Quattr's crawl analysis capabilities go beyond finding simple errors or basic SEO issues. It renders and analyzes a representative set of pages across your entire website every week. Review historical trends for crawl errors, lighthouse audits, and site speed scores to gain insight into how your site stacks up against competitors.

Opportunity Explorer


Formulate your growth strategy and projections to focus your efforts on an upcoming quarter or financial year. Compare traffic segments using our grid-style opportunity map and visually build a plan with a list of opportunities prioritized within Quattr

Brand vs Non-Brand Trends

SEO Reporting

You can easily filter the trends to see only non-brand or brand traffic, regardless of the myriad of ways that a company's name might be spelled in English or any other language.

Global Languages

SEO Reporting

Quattr's ability to understand keywords and pages in all languages will help you go global with your SEO efforts. Filter traffic by keyword language, generate content in these languages, and cluster keywords and topics within them.

Trends Analysis - Added Dimensions

SEO Reporting

Quattr offers unlimited flexibility to slice and dice trends, so you can view them by any combination of dimensions that matter to your business—from standard ones like search intent and content category/sub-category down to more customized metrics such as language or rank bucket.

Trends Analysis - Comprehensive Metrics & Multi-Source

SEO Reporting

Bring all your site's data together in one convenient place, sourced from across Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Google Ads, SERP Rank Tracking, Lighthouse Reports, Log Files and more. Use this data to pinpoint trends and understand their root cause—and do it all quickly instead of spending weeks on these processes!

Period over Period Analysis

SEO Reporting

Search engine marketing is a constantly changing game. Easy and effortless period-over-period analysis can be the game changer that you need to stay on top of every metric across every data source, so that no change goes unnoticed.

Competitive Trends Analysis - Overall Market Share

Enterprise Rank Tracking

Analyze your Google SERP presence for all of your target keywords in every major market you operate in and discover what content, domains, or strategies are driving the top-ranking sites.

Competitive Trends Analysis - Specific Traffic Segments

Enterprise Rank Tracking

You can drill down into any traffic segment of concern by applying a few filters and seeing historical ranking and market share trends alongside actual clicks. See your competitors' strategies—and analyze their content more deeply—by discovering which strategies they're using.

Annotate Trends with Notes

SEO Reporting

Complete the picture by annotating any trend with custom notes that help explains them. Quattr also automatically adds notes when you mark a recommendation as deployed so you can observe the impact.

Content Quality Scoring with Guided Improvement

Content Marketing

Objectively compare your content to that of other pages available in search engines, and use guided workflows to improve the quality of your content. When your content receives a favorable algorithmic score, you'll see a bump in rankings and improved traffic.

Prioritized List of Content Quality Gaps

Content Marketing

Maximize your content optimization resources by following a prioritized list of URLs across your website that present the greatest opportunity for growth—by improving existing content and closing content gaps.

Discover Competitor Keywords to Target

Keyword Research

See instantly what keyword clusters a competitor's pages are ranking for that your content isn't targeting. Analyze these clusters by search volume, CPC, and how difficult they are to rank for. Then choose the clusters you can optimize your content around to capture traffic from competitors who already dominate those keyword clusters.

Prioritize Under Optimized Keywords

Content Marketing

With just a few clicks, you can identify the areas of your website that will give you the biggest return on investment when it comes to keywords. Quattr's growth engine assesses each keyword cluster and calculates its chances for growth in organic search rankings.

SEO A/B Testing

SEO Reporting

Run accurate, effective, and efficient SEO A/B tests with Quattr. Get access to a powerful SEO A/B testing framework combined with comprehensive traffic metrics and dimensions.

Keyword Relevance Guided Improvement

Content Marketing

Launch an editor to improve the keyword relevance of a web page within a guided environment that provides real-time feedback on how likely it is to increase traffic. The editor also makes it easy to optimize your content around keywords that are relevant, high-performing and low in competition.

Site Speed Benchmarks & Trend

Enterprise Rank Tracking

Get to see what your true search competitor's website speed is like for any given part of your website and then dive straight into a ranked set of recommendations to get to good enough and then waste no more of your precious resources on it.

Prioritized List of Organic Relevance Recommendations

Content Marketing

With a prioritized list of organic content recommendations, you can focus your optimization resources on the sections of your website with the greatest opportunity for organic traffic growth.

Conversion Rate and Cost by Search Intent and Category

SEO Reporting

Continuously optimize paid search spending with Quattr. Analyze your paid campaign efficiency using custom-built search intents and content groupings. Use that to identify the best-performing and least efficient areas of paid campaign spend.

SEM Landing Page Guided Improvement

Content Marketing

With a guided editor, improve paid landing page experience and ad quality scores by helping to increase the chances of getting better click through rates and conversions from paid campaigns.

Ranking Factor Drill Down

Ranking Factors

Dig deeper into a ranking factor to compare your performance against competitors and zero in on specific audits or metrics that need improving. With all this data at your fingertips, you’ll be able to make informed decisions about where to invest resources in order to drive more traffic from search engines.

Keyword Selection for Rank Tracking

Enterprise Rank Tracking

Still building custom keyword lists to track rankings and SERP presence? Track everything with Quattr and measure your presence in Google SERPs for any traffic segment. Simply filter by traffic segment to instantly see historical ranking and market share trends alongside actual clicks, impressions, and other metrics from GSC.

Semantic Anchor Text Recommendations

Internal Linking

Accelerate your website's rankings by having our algorithms identify the right anchor text for internal links between all of the URLs on your website. Allowing search engines and users to better understand what the target links are, why they're important on their home page, and how to reach them from there.

Simple Search Intent Modeling

Keyword Research

Use a simple workflow to organize all historical keywords across organic and paid performance data into search intents. This will help you understand what users are looking for when they search, and which intents are driving traffic to your site.

Manage Target Keywords to Optimize For

Content Marketing

Manage the targeted keywords for a web page from a predetermined list of keyword clusters—including those from GSC, Google Ads, and competitor keywords.

Organic Trends Analysis - Maximize GSC Keywords

SEO Reporting

Discover organic search performance trends for as much as 10X more keywords by warehousing your GSC data with Quattr. Prevent losing all keywords data and related trends older than 16 months.

Advanced Search Intent Modeling

Keyword Research

Quattr's advanced search intent modeling translates your inputs about how to organize a sample set of keywords into the right search intents and then uses deep learning-based models to accurately classify many millions of keywords accordingly. You can also use advanced rule sets, entity name lists, and query patterns to control what keywords are classified into which intent.

Automated Keyword Clustering

Content Marketing

Quattr automatically scans all keywords for a page and groups semantically similar keywords into keyword clusters. This allows optimization efforts to scale across 10X more keywords and prevent over-optimization towards just one dominant head keyword.

Competitor Content - Semantic Evaluation

Content Marketing

Compare the semantic relevance of the key parts of a web page, such as title, metadata, headings, body content, and schema markup, with competing pages for a given keyword or a set of target keyword clusters.

Competitive Trends Analysis - Custom Keyword Lists

Enterprise Rank Tracking

Have a keyword list you have been tracking for weekly rankings or want to start monitoring a new set of keywords? Upload them to Quattr and get access to a far more powerful interface that analyzes your rankings and market share data for every keyword.

Competitor Content Monitoring

Content Marketing

Monitor competitor content changes every week and proactively know when a competitor's content has changed for better or worse.

SEM Landing Page Relevance Recommendations

Content Marketing

Boost paid campaign ROAS or reduce cost per acquisition with prioritized opportunities to improve conversion rates. Improve existing content with better semantic relevance to underperforming search terms and correlate optimization efforts with paid campaign spending.

Dynamic Competitor Discovery

Enterprise Rank Tracking

On search engines, your brand is competing with more than 500 unique domains to gain visibility of the same eyeballs. Discover your true search competitors and filter them based on categories like user search intent, search device, content group, country, language, etc. Uncover optimization gaps per category or for multiple categories and create winning strategies against them.

Evaluate Existing Internal Linking

Internal Linking

Get an algorithmic assessment of the sections of your website that if inter-connected with contextually relevant links, can result in the greatest improvement in rankings and reduction in bounce rates.

Manage Saved Query & Page Lists

SEO Reporting

Isolate specific trends by uploading a target URL list or keyword list to filter traffic along with all other filter options. Use this ability to run SEO A/B tests split by a list of URLs or to do a simple pre-post evaluation of your optimization efforts.

URL Selection for Lighthouse Benchmarking

Enterprise Rank Tracking

Lighthouse reports only tell you your scores, audits, and metrics. Quattr automatically identifies the closest competing URLs and runs the same Lighthouse speed report under the exact same simulated conditions to give you clear benchmarks on which to base your optimization targets. Don’t let competitors' site speed improvements take away your hard-earned SERP rankings anymore.

Ranking Factor Trends & Alerting

Ranking Factors

Monitor competitor ranking factor changes every week. Proactively know when a competitor's content evaluates better than yours on key ranking factors like keyword relevance, content quality, performance, SEO compliance, etc.

Cross Domain Analytics

SEO Reporting

Have multiple domains that give the complete picture of your business? Bring them together in a true multi-domain environment that can unveil cross-domain optimization opportunities and trends.

Email Reports

SEO Reporting

Stay on top of the most important traffic segments and overall trends with weekly and monthly reports. Get a backlog of top recommendations and opportunities directly in your inbox.

Manage Saved Segments

SEO Reporting

Create saved segments that make it easy to save your favorite combination of filters with a custom name. Use saved segments to analyze trends for any metric Quattr supports. Even use them to filter the ranked recommendations to focus optimization efforts on specific segments.

Landing Page / Category Conversion Tracking

SEO Reporting

Focus optimization efforts on the best converting sections of the website by tracking conversions and organic search performance together.

Landing Page / Category Search Intent Discovery

SEO Reporting

Understand the top search intents that serve each content group or sub-group and drive higher intent traffic to your website. Prevent cannibalization by your own lower-converting content.

Manage Saved Comparison

SEO Reporting

Compare any two traffic segments side by side like non-brand traffic v/s branded traffic or run a sophisticated SEO A/B test. Save as many comparison segments and revisit them anytime.

Accessibility Recommendations

Technical SEO

Resolve the most widespread accessibility issues impacting users and search engine rankings by focusing engineering efforts on a prioritized list of accessibility audits across your entire website or brand.

Lighthouse Report Automation

SEO Reporting

Get a weekly report of all Google's Lighthouse scores, metrics, and audits for your entire domain. Quickly discover the content groups or URLs that need improving the most or uncover deterioration. Track improvement in lighthouse metrics from recent website changes.

SEO Compliance Recommendations

Technical SEO

Resolve all the important SEO compliance issues like missing meta descriptions or links with generic anchor texts that are affecting your organic search traffic with a priortized list.

Site Speed Trends

SEO Reporting

Track comprehensive sets of synthetic Lighthouse performance metrics and audits that cover your entire domain. Identify performance issues before they show up as lost traffic and reduced conversions.

Best Practices Recommendations

Technical SEO

Fast track optimizing website best practices such as browser errors and improving search engine rankings with a prioritized list of accessibility audits across your entire website or brand.

Mobile Friendliness Recommendations

Technical SEO

Deliver a mobile-friendly user experience at scale with weekly detection and prioritization of all mobile friendliness issues across your website.

Domain Level Keyword Research

Keyword Research

Discover competitor keywords you are not ranking for and formulate a content strategy to accelerate growth.

View Lighthouse Report

Technical SEO

Go deeper with interactive lighthouse reports saved weekly and see the individual URL level output with the specific audits and findings on desktop and mobile devices.

Trend Alerting

SEO Reporting

Get proactive alerts to changes in trends for any metric that Quattr tracks so you can be sure that you aren't overlooking anything important.

Discover Organic Keywords Missing Paid Presence

Keyword Research

Quattr makes it easy to improve or formulate new paid campaigns by identifying the organic search keywords that are missing from your paid campaigns. Maximize your brand's presence at the top of the SERPs with a keyword strategy that goes much broader and taps keywords that are far easier to outbid on paid results.

Discover Paid Keywords Missing Organic Presence

Keyword Research

Bring paid keywords you are bidding on to inform your content marketing and SEO efforts by optimizing for missing relevant organic content to rank within natural search results. Deliver new or improved content using our guided content optimization workflows. Don't just grow your SEO traffic but also leverage these new landing pages in paid campaigns.

Monitor Website Changes

Technical SEO

Be first to know if certain content changes were shipped or know how content changes deployed by your search competitors may affect your website's rankings.

URL Selection for Lighthouse Monitoring

SEO Reporting

Let Quattr decide what URLs to produce the Lighthouse report each week for and ensure domain-wide coverage for your site speed performance testing.

Weblog Analytics

Technical SEO

Proactively find out where Googlebot is spending time crawling your website, what errors it is encountering, and where it is not crawling as frequently as required. Drill down to more granular views from there to diagnose the root cause.

Custom Dashboards

SEO Reporting

Build your own custom dashboards using a powerful drag-and-drop adhoc analytics environment and adapt Quattr dashboards for important views to your team or leadership. Access a pre-built SEO and SEM data lake to create reports with data across information silos like GSC, Google Analytics, Lighthouse metrics, SERP ranking data, and Google Ads.

Monitor Website Hygiene

Technical SEO

Monitor key site hygiene metrics like error rates, 301 redirects, etc. to ensure your website ranks well with a high domain quality rating to earn the trust of search engines and users.

URL Patterns & Page Templates

Manage URLs

Scale your optimization efforts for a large website with thousands or millions of URLs by classifying URLs into sets of URL patterns that share the same page template. Then use these patterns to analyze performance or monitor custom segments of websites defined using these URL patterns.

Projections and Goal Tracking


Publish the growth plan you build using Quattr's opportunity explorer and planning tool to set in motion your plan for the upcoming quarter or year and stay on top of your team or company-level goals with a performance scorecard showing projected traffic goals v/s actual quarter-to-date or YTD performance trends.

Create a JIRA Ticket


Create a new JIRA ticket directly from a watched trend or active opportunity to build a backlog of tickets for upcoming or ongoing sprints.

Share on Slack


Share a watched trend or opportunity to a Slack channel within your Slack workspace.

Entity List Management

Keyword Research

Make Quattr aware of the entities your brand works with by uploading a CSV file with all known values. Quattr will allow you to use these within filters and/or rules that classify keywords and/or URLs.

Automate Internal Linking with API

Internal Linking

Eliminate the need for manual SDK integrations and tedious link management. Quattr's AI-based Internal Linking tool automates these processes for you. Adapt and enhance existing content for AI-driven search environments with our APIs that automatically update links, ensuring your website is always optimized for both users and search engines.

Explore how to Automate Internal Linking with Quattr

Ready to see how Quattr
can help your brand?

Try our growth engine for free with a test drive.

Our AI will analyze your website and provide you with insights on the top opportunities for your site across content, experience, and discoverability metrics that are actionable and personalized to your brand.