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Ultimate Guide To Content Audit In 2024

How To Do A Content Audit That Actually Shows ROI

Mahi Kothari
Content Audit

Imagine spending countless hours ideating, writing, and publishing content for your business. Social posts, blogs, infographics, ebooks, etc., are scattered throughout your digital portfolio. However, despite your best efforts, the content is not in the Search Engine Rankings.

Traffic is stagnant, and engagement- is super low.

Now you wonder where it went wrong. But how do you define it? That's where the fundamentals of content audit come into play.

In this blog, let us understand everything about the content audit. It's essential to have a checklist and best practices.

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What Is A Content Audit?

A content audit systematically evaluates and analyzes all the content assets on a website (including landing pages, blog posts, videos, and other forms of content) to gain insights into the current content landscape. The evaluation helps understand what content is performing well, what needs to be updated or rewritten, and what might be redundant or outdated and thus could be removed.

A content audit aims to maintain a relevant, engaging, and effective website to achieve its objectives, whether related to SEO, user engagement, conversion, or brand awareness.

Why Is It Important To Audit Content?

Conducting a content audit allows us to precisely identify the areas that lack quality and need enhancement. It enables you to:

1. Discover the topics and keywords that you haven't explored yet.

2. Introspect on where your current content effort stands.

3. Maintain the brand's voice and style guidelines in the content.

4. Explore areas that bring in more engagement.

5. Develop strategies to optimize your content for higher conversion rates.

If the aim is to achieve greater success, then a thorough content audit is the key.

What Are The Benefits Of Content Audit?

The goal of running a content audit successfully is to determine and ensure that the content on the website is relevant and practical. Let us look at the benefits closely,

1. Enhances Content Quality & Relevance

A content audit helps identify outdated, irrelevant, or low-quality content, allowing you to update or remove it. This improves your website or blog's overall quality and relevance, ensuring visitors find valuable and accurate information.

2. Boosts SEO Performance

A content audit can significantly boost your SEO performance by analyzing and optimizing your content for search engines. Removing or updating underperforming content can lead to better rankings, increased organic traffic, and higher visibility on search engine results pages.

3. Identifies Gaps & Opportunities

A thorough content audit helps you identify gaps in your content strategy, revealing topics or areas you haven't covered but should. This insight lets you plan and create content that meets your audience's needs and interests, potentially opening new avenues for engagement and conversion.

4. Improves User Experience

A content audit can greatly enhance the user experience by ensuring that your content is engaging, relevant, and easy to navigate. This can lead to longer visit durations, lower bounce rates, and more interactions with your content, which are positive signals to search engines.

5. Informs Content Strategy

The insights gained from a content audit provide a solid foundation for making informed decisions about your future content strategy. Understanding what works and doesn't allows you to allocate resources more effectively and craft a plan that aligns with your goals and audience preferences.

How To Do A Content Audit (Step By Step Guide)

Running a content audit can feel daunting, but it's like giving your content a cozy, organized home where everything has its place, and you can find exactly what you need when needed. Let's break down the steps to make it feel less like accounting and more like curating your library of digital goods.

1. Define Goals of your Content Audit

Imagine wandering aimlessly through your content. While this can sometimes lead to beautiful discoveries, it is more often than not a source of confusion or loss. Start by asking yourself, "What do I want to achieve?" Are you looking to improve SEO, enhance user engagement, or update outdated information? Setting specific, measurable goals will guide your entire audit process.

For example, if your goal is to boost SEO, you might focus on keyword optimization and backlink analysis. If you aim to improve user engagement, you'll look at metrics like time on the page and social shares. Having a clear purpose will ensure that your audit is focused and effective.

2. Create Content Inventory

Once your goals are defined, the next step is to gather all your content assets into a single inventory. Tools like Screaming Frog or a simple spreadsheet can help you organize this treasure hunt. Think of it as creating a master key to your content, where every piece is accounted for.

This comprehensive inventory will serve as the foundation for your audit, allowing you to evaluate each piece systematically.

3. Categorize your Content

Categorizing your content helps you see what you have a lot of, what you're missing, and what doesn't fit anymore.

Categories might include content type (e.g., blog post, video, infographic), topic or theme, target audience, buyer journey stage, and performance metrics. This categorization helps you identify patterns and gaps in your content strategy. For instance, you might find that certain topics are overrepresented while others are lacking, or some types of content perform better than others.

4. Measure Current Performance

Use tools like Quattr, Google Analytics, SEMrush, and social media analytics to gather data on metrics such as page views, bounce rates, average time on page, social shares, and conversion rates. Also, qualitative aspects like content quality, relevance, and user feedback should be considered.

It's like checking the health of each plant in your garden, identifying which ones are thriving, which ones need a bit more water, and which ones might be beyond saving.

5. Create Action Plan

This might involve rewriting outdated content, improving SEO on underperforming pages, or removing content that no longer aligns with your brand.

Prioritize actions based on their potential impact and the resources required to implement them. Your action plan should be comprehensive and include deadlines, responsible team members, and measurable goals to track progress.

6. Follow Up And Improvize

Your content audit isn't a one-and-done deal; it's the beginning of an ongoing process of refinement and improvement. Regular follow-up is crucial to ensure your implementation changes are effective and aligned with your goals. Monitor the performance of updated content to see if it meets your expectations. Be prepared to improvise and adjust your content strategy based on the data. Continuous monitoring will help you stay on track and make informed decisions that enhance your content strategy over time.

Content Audit Best Practices

1. Schedule Regular Content Audits

Think of scheduling regular content audits as maintaining the rhythm. Plan for regular content audits, such as quarterly or annually, to ensure your content remains relevant, engaging, and effective. Stay updated with the latest content marketing trends and best practices to keep your content strategy fresh and competitive. Regular audits help in continuous improvement and adapting to changing market conditions.

2. Evaluate Content Quality

Evaluating your content's quality transcends beyond metrics and SEO strategies—it's about understanding and connecting with the person on the other side of the screen.

Check for factual accuracy and depth of information, updating or removing outdated or shallow content. Assess whether your content provides real value and addresses the pain points of your audience, ensuring it aligns with your goals.

3. Keep Check On Consistency

Each piece of content, from blog posts to social media updates, contributes to a larger narrative. A break in this consistency can disrupt the entire flow. You must also look for uniformity in formatting, style, and structure. This helps maintain a professional image and makes your content more cohesive and easier for your audience to engage with.

4. Asses User Experience

Each piece of content should guide, inform, and delight, inviting the audience to explore further, linger, and reflect. Ensure your content is easy to read, with clear headings, bullet points, and visuals to break up text. Verify that your content is mobile-friendly and accessible on various devices. Evaluate the effectiveness of your calls to action, ensuring they are clear and compelling to drive desired actions from your audience.

5. Document Findings

Document your findings in a detailed report, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Develop an action plan with actionable recommendations based on your audit findings. Prioritize changes based on their potential impact and the resources required to implement them, ensuring a strategic approach to content optimization.

Create A Content Audit Template Based On Goals

There are plenty of content audit templates available online. Since every business is different, it is important to build a tailored template.

The following guide provides a step-by-step process for creating a comprehensive content audit template that aligns with your objectives.

Step 1: Define Your Content Audit Goals

Determine what it is that you want to achieve. Is it:

1. Improved SEO Performance

2. Increased Engagement

3. Improved Conversion Rate

The first focuses on optimizing content, the second on enhancing user interaction, and the last on optimizing content that drives more leads.

Step 2: Setting Up The Content Audit Template

Fill in your spreadsheet with the following column first.

Content Details:

i. URL

ii. Title

iii. Content Type (e.g., blog post, video, infographic)

iv. Publication Date

For the next step, based on your goal create the following columns.

1. SEO Metrics:

 i. Target Keyword(s)

 ii. Current Keyword Rankings

 iii. Organic Traffic (monthly)

 iv. Meta Description (Y/N)

 v. H1 Tag (Y/N)

 vi. Alt Text for Images (Y/N)

 vii. Backlinks (number and quality)

This focuses on both on-page SEO elements like keywords and meta descriptions and off-page SEO factors such as backlinks.

2. Engagement Metrics:

 i. Page Views

 ii. Time on Page

 iii. Bounce Rate

 iv. Social Shares

 v. Comments

 vi. Likes

Tracking these metrics can provide insights into content relevance and effectiveness, informing your content strategy.

3. Conversion Metrics:

 i. Call-to-Action (CTA) Type

 ii. CTA Click-Through Rate (CTR)

 iii. Conversion Rate (e.g., form submissions, downloads)

 iv. Leads Generated

 v. Sales/Revenue Generated

Conversion metrics are essential for evaluating how well your content drives actions contributing to your business goals.

4. Content Quality:

 i. Readability Score

 ii. Word Count

 iii. Grammar/Spelling Issues (Y/N)

 iv. Visuals Included (Y/N)

 v. Updated (Y/N)

Assessing content quality ensures that your content is well-written, engaging, and error-free.

5. Content Relevance:

 i. Target Audience

 ii. Buyer's Journey Stage (Awareness, Consideration, Decision)

 iii. Relevancy Score (1-5)

Evaluating content relevance is crucial for ensuring your content meets the needs of your target audience and aligns with their position in the buyer's journey.

Step 3. Populate

Use tools like Quattr, Google Analytics, Google Search Analytics, Ahrefs, and social media analytics to collect accurate metrics. Ensure that each column is filled with up-to-date information.

Populating the data, which is spread over months and weeks, ensures defining the time period. Once the action plan is created, you will have a clear understanding of which strategies are working and which need adjustment. It will also allow you to identify trends over time, helping you predict future performance and make informed decisions.

Step 4. Create An Action Plan

Develop a detailed action plan for each content piece based on your analysis. Include specific tasks such as:

1. SEO Improvements: Optimize meta descriptions, update keywords, and build backlinks.

2. Engagement Enhancements: Add multimedia elements, update outdated information, and promote on social media.

3. Conversion Boosts: Revise CTAs, improve landing page design, and A/B test different elements.

Step 5. Iterate And Update

A content audit is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. Regularly revisit your spreadsheet, update data, and refine your strategies based on the latest performance metrics. Keep iterating to maintain an effective content strategy that aligns with your goals.

Top Two Content Audit Tools

Content audit tools save you time, especially when the content pieces are of different types and widely spread. Plus, all the information can be found within these tools as different metrics, so there is no need to juggle between spreadsheets.

Below is the list of top content audit tools:

1. Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a powerful tool for improving your on-page and off-page SEO efforts. It allows you to monitor and optimize your site's visibility in Google search results. By tracking your target keywords, current keyword rankings, and organic traffic, you can identify which content pieces are performing well and which need improvement. Search Console provides data on click-through rates, impressions, and search queries, helping you fine-tune your meta descriptions, H1 tags, and alt text for images. Additionally, it shows the number and quality of backlinks, giving you insights into your off-page SEO health.

2. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is essential for measuring engagement and conversion metrics. It offers detailed insights into how users interact with your content, such as page views, time on page, and bounce rates. This data helps you understand user behavior and identify which content resonates most with your audience. Analytics also tracks social shares, comments, and likes, clearly showing your content's reach and engagement levels. For conversion metrics, Google Analytics can measure CTA click-through rates, conversion rates, leads generated, and revenue.

3. Quattr

Benchmark Your Site's Content Against Competitors
Benchmark Your Site's Content Against Competitors

Quattr SEO platform has robust content creation and optimization features. It offers a step-wise approach to conducting a content audit. The Quattr platform is designed to assist you in a variety of ways:

1. It enables you to pinpoint key pages that require optimization for the most critical search intents.

2. The platform aids in optimizing web pages for keyword clusters rather than focusing on individual keywords, enhancing overall search visibility.

3. Quattr provides a content editing environment where you can view the most pertinent sections of related content from competing pages, making improving your material easier.

4. You can improve content and re-assess how these changes affect your content's quality and relevance scores.

5. The platform offers quantified metrics, allowing you to measure the competitive impact of your content modifications.

6. Quattr helps you discover competitor keywords that your web pages can fill gaps for, as well as identify new keywords to target for pages with lower quality.

With Quattr, you get a detailed analysis of your page's quality metrics, such as readability, engagement, and SEO performance, and it identifies gaps and opportunities within the current content strategy.Additionally, Quattr facilitates competitor analysis to highlight content strategy gaps and opportunities, recommends improvements or new content creation, and integrates workflow management to implement content strategies efficiently.

Take Your Content Audit To The Next Level With Quattr

Quattr is a comprehensive tool that streamlines the process of conducting content audits by offering automated content inventory, detailed analysis of quality metrics such as readability, engagement, and SEO performance, and identifying both gaps and opportunities within the current content strategy. It aids in optimizing content for search engines, organizing content into themes for better SEO and user experience, and provides performance metrics to gauge audience engagement. Additionally, Quattr facilitates competitor analysis to highlight content strategy gaps and opportunities, recommends improvements or new content creation, and integrates workflow management to implement content strategies efficiently.

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Content Audit Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Content Audit Report?

A content audit report is a comprehensive document that evaluates the performance and quality of all the content on a website or a digital platform. It systematically analyzes each piece of content to determine its effectiveness in meeting business goals such as SEO optimization, user engagement, and conversion rates.

What Is A Content Audit Spreadsheet?

A content audit spreadsheet serves as a central database for all content-related information, making it easier to identify trends, gaps, and opportunities for optimization. It also allows for a detailed and organized approach to assessing content performance and planning future content strategies.

What Do You Learn from a Content Audit?

You learn about your content's SEO optimization, audience engagement, gaps, and overall quality. The audit also evaluates content relevance to your target audience and their buyer's journey stage and assesses the effectiveness of conversions.

About The Author

Mahi Kothari

Mahi Kothari is the Senior Content Strategist at Quattr. With over three of experience in content marketing and SEO, she has successfully driven organic traffic growth & brand visibility for various B2B SaaS companies. Mahi specializes in developing comprehensive content strategies from scratch, managing content teams, and optimizing SEO practices. She is passionate about all aspects of content marketing, including content creation, SEO optimization, and strategic content distribution.

About Quattr

Quattr is an innovative and fast-growing venture-backed company based in Palo Alto, California USA. We are a Delaware corporation that has raised over $7M in venture capital. Quattr's AI-first platform evaluates like search engines to find opportunities across content, experience, and discoverability. A team of growth concierge analyze your data and recommends the top improvements to make for faster organic traffic growth. Growth-driven brands trust Quattr and are seeing sustained traffic growth.

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